You know that weekly temptation email that anthropolgie sends out?
I have a love/hate relationship with that email.
I love anthro's pretty pictures.
I hate being tempted to buy things I don't need.
I love the email style compostion.
I hate that everything is out of my price range.
I love feeling inspired by a single email.
I got this email a few weeks ago and fell in love with these shoes.
But they were about $148 too much.
True to my frugality, I asked myself, Could I make this?
Where there's a will, there's a way, people.
What you'll need to DIY:
Old silk scarf or silk/chiffon-type fabric
Clip-on earrings
Hot Glue
Take your scarf or fabric and cut it into strips for bow-tying. My fabric was part of an old j.crew headband that I didn't wear anymore.
Take your clip-on earrings and either dismantle it so you just have the clip part or if your earrings are small enough, you can just glue your bows to the top of the earrings.
Attach your beautiful bows to a pair of flats.
I love my version better for the sheer fact that no money left my pocket - I used fabric and clips I already had and attached them to shoes I currently wear.
Thanks for the inspirational emails, anthro.
Take your scarf or fabric and cut it into strips for bow-tying. My fabric was part of an old j.crew headband that I didn't wear anymore.
Take your clip-on earrings and either dismantle it so you just have the clip part or if your earrings are small enough, you can just glue your bows to the top of the earrings.
Attach your beautiful bows to a pair of flats.
I love my version better for the sheer fact that no money left my pocket - I used fabric and clips I already had and attached them to shoes I currently wear.
Thanks for the inspirational emails, anthro.
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