

Thursday, May 3, 2012


As I was filling in my calendar for the month of May, I realized that this month Josh and I will celebrate 4 years of marriage. Which, in turn, reminded me that I needed to fill in our anniversary book for the past year. For each year in the book, I print out a piece of paper with the year's highlights/important events on it and put corresponding photos.

It's always fun to look back over the past year of marriage and reflect on what the year has held for us - here's what I put for highlights for this year (so far! who knows what this month will hold!):

May 24, 2011- May 24, 2012

Anniversary trip to Florida (May 28-June 4) 

Aaron (my brother-in-law) comes home from Iraq 

Begin our pregnancy journey - a miscarriage (August 20)

Open Honeysuckle Finds etsy shop (September 9)

Ana Haley is born (September 22)

We're pregnant!! (November 11 - the day we found out)

Trip to California - Kiara's funeral

Finding out it's a boy - gender reveal party!! (March 1)

Mark (my brother) and Kenleigh get engaged (March 4)

Trip to Dallas to visit the Bowman's (March 8-12)

Michael (my other brother) and Shannon get engaged (March 30)

Kellen Goodman (my niece) is born (April 19)

I will say, this is one reason that I love to blog. It makes it easy to look back over the past year and see what the year was made of. Also, as much as I hate to say it, so does Facebook timeline.