

Thursday, June 7, 2012

birthday, baseball, and a B&B

So, remember when I said Josh had a surprise for me for my birthday but I didn't know what it was?
Well, he totally pulled out all the stops to make my 27th birthday a memorable one for sure.
L to R, top to bottom:
1. The tie-dye birthday cake at my surprise birthday party. 
2. Nationals v. Braves game - spending time with my lovely sister-in-law.
3. Josh and his brother enjoying the game.
4. Picking out goodies in Anthro as a birthday present.
5. Spending a limitless amount of time in Paper Source.
6. Phish Food.
7. A two-night stay at the historic (1805) Briar Patch Inn Bed and Breakfast in Middleburg, Virginia.
8. Exploring the countryside.
9. Sunset after dinner.

This was the best weekend I've had in a long time. My heart is full.