

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

nursery: the inspiration piece

Weeks before I found out it was a little boy who would be joining our family, I dreamed up some inspiration boards for a girl nursery or boy nursery
My inspiration piece for the boy nursery came in the form of a wrought iron vintage bike wall hanging snatched up at Goodwill for $2.

It was so fun and so unique that I knew I could build a nursery around it. And since it was my inspiration piece, I wanted to give it prime real estate in the nursery: the spot above the crib.
But it needed a little something more to punch it up a bit, so I decided to make a bike banner.

I went in my scrap fabric drawer and cut myself a little flag. I just winged it with my rotary cutter because I wanted it a little uneven so it would look like it was trailing behind the bike.

Then I practiced my very best cursive, because I wanted the banner to be a note from his mama.

And then I had my true inspiration piece for his room.

My banner over him is love.

Shared at: Simple Home Life