

Monday, June 25, 2012

baby's first outfits

When I hit 36 weeks, Josh got serious about getting our hospital bags packed.
And because he knows I like to wait until the last possible second to do things, he requested that I do it now. The last thing he wants to be is unprepared.
And while I was kind of floundering wondering what to pack for myself, I had a lot of fun picking out clothes for my little guy to wear when he makes his debut.

His hospital photo outfit was an easy pick as I had bought those newborn seersucker pants with his first photo in mind. But in order to complete the outfit, I needed to make him a little bowtie.
Using the same technique I used to make Baxter's bowtie, I found and yellow gingham napkin in my fabric drawer and whipped up this sweet little thing in a couple of minutes.

I velcroed it to one of his newborn onesies so that I could take it on and off for washing.

And that completed the outfit.

So, I'm all set for what to bring for Grady, but tell me, what do I really need to bring for me?!